Mockups of speculative "third eye" product conceptualized after the research phase.

Map of stakeholders. Red color indicates target user.

Section from the Thematic Analysis: almost all students who were interviewed have either experienced or almost experienced accidents while using their phone when walking. All of them use their phones to navigate while walking to varying extents.

Section from the Affinity Diagram: even though all the students interviewed acknowledged that walking with their phone might cause them an accident, none of them have changed their phone usage behavior. This presented a design opportunity for pedestrian navigation safety.

Rapid group brainstorming session with my class on possible solutions. The purple color indicates ideas that were developed into conceptual prototypes intended for 20+ years from now.

Spider Diagram: at the center is the "how might we" design question and branched out from it are ideas for design solutions.

Building a conceptual prototype of a digital "third eye," a wearable and companion accessory to smart personal devices. It combines camera technology and sensors to provide a safer and more comfortable navigation experience for pedestrians of the future.

Mockups of marketing materials.